Ultrasounds are a great way to determine the progress of pregnancy, evaluate the baby’s growth, and the overall wellbeing of mother and baby. It also monitors the placenta to examine changes that can prove detrimental to the pregnancy.
Many questions might be hovering in your mind.
Is sonography during pregnancy necessary?
How many times should an expecting mother have sonography?
These and many queries will be answered in this blog post.
If you wish to understand a bit more about the process, you can connect with Sunrise Diagnostic, the best diagnostic center in Pune.
How many times should an expecting mother choose to have sonography?
During pregnancy, ultrasound/sonography in the first trimester will determine the due date considering the last menstrual period. This sonography should be done at around six weeks. At times doctors do recommend early sonography if they suspect a possible miscarriage or to find out if it’s not an ectopic pregnancy.
The next sonography during pregnancy is done usually at 18 to 20 weeks to evaluate the full anatomy. Doctors often recommend getting sonography at least three times during pregnancy, once per trimester.
Is sonography during pregnancy necessary?
Sonography determines fetal growth, the presence of twins or multiples, size and weight of the baby, placenta abnormalities, and the location of the pregnancy. It ensures a healthy delivery by monitoring the above factors.
The use of technology is overwhelming or might make you feel uncomfortable but, don’t feel discouraged. Just get in touch with the team at Sunrise Diagnostic, a sonography center in Pune that is well equipped and manned with the best team of experts.
Let us now turn our attention to the myths of sonography during pregnancy.
Busting myths of sonography during pregnancy:
MYTH ONE: Getting sonography during every visit is necessary:
Let’s understand this is not needed. Obstetricians usually advise an ultrasound or sonography two or three times during pregnancy unless they need an extra one for a reason. Though some patients do insist on more as they are eager to see how their baby is growing. But, it’s best to consult your healthcare provider or doctor beforehand.
MYTH TWO: Sonography involves the use of radiation like X-rays thus, can be harmful:
This isn’t true at all. Ultrasounds are harmless high-frequency sound waves reflecting a graphic description of the internal body structure. Radiations are not used during sonography.
Ultrasound technology uses gentle soundwaves that bounce off soft and hard tissues to create an image. This procedure is conducted without the use of radiation thus, there are no risks associated with it. Ultrasounds minutely elevate the abdominal cavity temperature. But this fluctuation in temperature is natural, which happens even while you take a warm shower or exercise. Thus, it is not a point of concern.
MYTH THREE: 3-D Ultrasound /sonography shouldn’t be done during the first 12 weeks:
Most mothers are told to take a 3-D ultrasound after 12 weeks because 3-D ultrasounds are ineffective early on.
It doesn’t imply that it is dangerous or risky if you take it before 12 weeks.
In the first trimester or until 20 to 25 weeks, 2-D ultrasounds give all the requisite details about the growing embryo.
By week 25 to 32, you can go for a 3-D image in order to have a closer look at your baby’s features. During this period if you choose to have 3-D sonography you would see if your baby has a clef palate or some physical congenital defect. This gives an indication to the team of doctors to be prepared during delivery.
MYTH FOUR: Frequent Sonography is harmful:
Sonography is not harmful if it’s done frequently. In pregnancies that are complicated or in high-risk situations, frequent monitoring is necessary to get optimal results and to keep the baby safe. It is vital to ensure a healthy pregnancy. But you won’t need it every week thus, choosing to have frequent sonography or ultrasound is totally unnecessary. No matter how exciting it is to see your baby grow, don’t choose to go for an ultrasound without consulting the doctor. It is a decision that is best when taken by the doctor.
MYTH FIVE: A USG gives accurate gestational age and accurate fetal weight:
Accuracy in measuring the gestational age or the fetal weight depends on various factors like the BMI of the mother, position of the baby, the pregnancy month, etc. Thus, arriving at an accurate age isn’t always possible, but it does get close in most cases. Ultrasounds are vital to ensure the baby’s wellbeing. USG at regular intervals aiming at assessing the baby’s growth and development is necessary. In fact, that is the purpose of an ultrasound.
MYTH SIX: Transvaginal ultrasound (TVS) is risky:
Many consider TVS as risky but when it’s done gently it is a simple and safe test. It is a high-resolution procedure thus, it gives the best possible image of the baby. It is such a delight to look at your adorable baby’s 3D face through these images. It is always wise to depend on a diagnostic and sonography center that has a team of expert technicians, a team to guide and make you feel comfortable.
MYTH SEVEN: It’s a quick process, rendering instant results/reports:
When you need accuracy, it requires time. A USG or sonography contains specific patient parameters and information. All of this has to be entered into the system to arrive at an accurate and meaningful report. Be patient so that the team can thoroughly check your reports before handing them over to you.
At Sunrise Diagnostic we ensure that the reports are accurate since we have a dedicated and knowledgeable team with us. We also conduct full-body health checkups and have the best health checkup packages in Pune. Discuss your requirement and concerns with our team.
We care for your health and happiness. Always remember that we are just a call away.